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Jungletrax Males

IW SGC Jungletrax Justified Prestige

Sire: RW DGC Bengalislandcat Obsidian Oasis

Dam: IW SGC Jungletrax Abiding Ovation

Prestige is the higest scoring and most winning Bengal Cat in history!

Prestige is the #1 Bengal Cat & Bengal Kitten in the world for 2015/2016 TICA show season and he loves to relax in my lap and bat at toy mice.

Prestige is the son of my favorite cat in the world, Ovation. He has many of the attributes of both his parents and a beauty all his own.  

Personality: Prestige is gentle and calm. Only Neko-chan toy mice get him excited.

Favorite Thing: fuzzy mice

Genetics: Prestige is homozygous brown spotted, not a carrier for any known genetic defects or diseases (Stanford University Genetics Lab, May 2016)

Health: Prestige has been screened for HCM, PRA, sub-patellar luxation and is healthy. (May 2016)


Prestige is enjoying making outstanding kittens at Silvercastle Bengals in South Korea but will be back in 2022. Check out Silvercastle to see some AMAZING Prestige offspring. 

Prestige 4 weeks old face.JPG

RW SGC Jungletrax Innate Equanimity

Sire: RW SGC Jungletrax Marquee Attraction

Dam: RW QGC Jungletrax Natural Affinity

Nate is the #1 Bengal Kitten in the world and #5 Kitten of all breeds in TICA for 2018/2019. 

Nate has many of the attributes of both his parents and a beauty all his own. He has an exceptionally wild look but the very best temperament and personality second only to his grandmother Ovation.  

Nate has spotted legs, a light chest, puffy whiskerpads, small ears and the best temperament ever born here.  The future for Jungletrax Bengal Cats is bright thanks to him.

Personality: Nate is reserved and polite with strangers but uninhibited and goofy when relaxed. He loves to lick.

Favorite Thing: Noses.  He can fondle a nose for hours. 

Genetics: Nate is homozygous brown spotted, not a carrier for any known genetic defects or diseases (Optimal Selection, Wisdom Health. See results here: DNA RESULTS)

Health: Nate is too young for HCM screening and negative for PRA, sub-patellar luxation and is healthy. (May 2016)

Innate Equaminity face and right 0910201
Jungletrax Innate Equanimity face right
Nate face stalking on grass by root 0404
Nate right pattern face in front of tree
Jungletrax Innate Equanimity walking on
Jungletrax Innate Equanimity right patte
Nate profile light chest in dry leaves 0
Jungletrax Innate Equanimity right pattern rosettes spotted legs in fron tof stacked wood

Jungletrax Indulgent Brink 
Sire: Jungletrax Concentric Symetry
Dam: Alayna Love Potion of Jungletrax

Brink is as fun loving as he is beautiful.  

Contrast, rosettes, super shiny soft coat and gentle demeanor make Brink one of the best kittens of Jungletrax. His father was a kitten awaiting test results before going to China when he decided to create Brink and his littermates, I'm so thrilled he did. 

Outstanding coat texture, clarity and glitter with a dramatic pattern of large rosettes and no vertical lines at all PLUS small ears, puffy whiskerpads and beautiful profile make Brink great. 

Personality: Always looking for a feather.

Favorite Thing: feathers of any kind.

Genetics: Brink has one copy of Apb (Agouti Prionailurus bengalensis), not a carrier for any known genetic defects or diseases (Optimal Selection, Wisdom Health. 

Health: HCM normal (healthy) and negative for PRA, sub-patellar luxation and cataracts. (May 2022)

Brink right pattern paw up profile Illumina male chest spotted legs on stump 11242021.JPG
Brink left pattern profile tail on logs 02022022.JPG
Brink left pattern profile stretch on stump 02022022.JPG
Brink rigth pattern profile on dry leaves dorsal pattern whiskers 11242021.JPG
Brink left pattern face ears whiskers on log 02022022.JPG

Jungletrax Paradigm Shift
Sire: IW SGC Jungletrax Innate Equanimity
Dam: Jungletrax Evening Star

Paradigm Shift left shoulder neck marking nose eyes whiskers in kitchen brick 12272021.JPG
Paradigm Shift right pattern ears whiskers nose tail on pebbles 04072022.JPG
Paradigm Shift dorsal markings tail ears whiskers on carpet 04072022.JPG
Paradigm head neck dorsal markings ears whiskers on dry leaves 12162021.JPG
Ahseelot right pattern standing on stump in grass 05042020.JPG
Ukraine boy left pattern profile neck on grass 04052020.JPG
Ukraine boy left pattern by stump tail up profile 03222020.JPG

Blinkingspark Ahseelot of Jungletrax
Sire: Kenzo Blinkingspark
Dam: Quickhunters Elite 

Ahseelot was bred by Anna Denisenko in Ukraine who was kind enough to share him with me. .  

The best thick and dense coat texture of any Bengal I've ever touched add to his unique pattern clarity dusted with copious glitter create a cat as beautiful as he is friendly.

Ahseelot is the definition of sparble, as he redefines the lengths and expression of body pattern.

Genetics: Brink has NO copies of Ta^b (Blotched or Classic Tabby signal).  He is genetically spotted! He has no copies of genetic defects or diseases (Optimal Selection, Wisdom Health. 

Health: HCM normal (healthy) and negative for PRA, sub-patellar luxation and cataracts. (May 2022)

Ukrain boy head dorsal line on stump 03222020.JPG
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